Luggage is a general term for bags, a general term for various bags used to hold things, including general shopping bags, handbags, clutches, wallets, backpacks, shoulder bags, satchels, waist bags and various trolley cases, etc.
Due to the improvement of manufacturing technology, the design has its own merits, and the value of suitcases with excellent quality, fashionable appearance and unique design is also different from that of ordinary suitcases. A 92-liter German brand suitcase with a suit bag that can hold 4 suits inside is priced at 13,380 yuan. According to a person from Wu Guang, due to the high travel frequency of business people, the utilization rate of suitcases is naturally high, and considering factors such as identity and image, it has become the main consumer of brand suitcases above 3,000 yuan. However, suitcases of two to three thousand yuan and below are bought more by college students and ordinary white-collar workers who demand price.
Industry chain
Luggage has both practical and decorative connotations, covering all aspects of people’s work and life. Luggage can be divided into four categories according to its purpose: 1) Business luggage. Mainly appear in people’s work and business scenes, such as computer bags, briefcases, etc.; 2) Travel luggage. Mainly include trolley suitcases, travel backpacks, etc.; 3) Leisure luggage. Mainly used in daily life or outdoor leisure, such as backpacks, ladies bags, wallets, outdoor sports bags, beach bags, etc. 4) Other uses. Mainly some special-purpose bags, such as camera bags, cosmetic cases, medical bags, etc. Business luggage, travel luggage, and leisure luggage all constitute the luggage market. According to the material, luggage can be divided into leather luggage, fabric luggage, PU luggage and PVC luggage. The luggage is mainly made of aluminum alloy, leather, cloth, plastic and sponge.
According to the “2017-2022 China Luggage Industry Market Development Prospects and Investment Opportunities Research Report” released by the China Business Industry Research Institute, China’s luggage market is expected to reach 6.38 billion US dollars in 2020. Among them, the steady growth of per capita disposable income provides the basic driving force for the growth of luggage consumption. The sales of outdoor products have maintained a growth rate of more than 10%. The luggage industry is highly correlated with the tourism and outdoor travel industries. Coupled with the annual Spring Festival, the demand for luggage products is growing unreasonably. There are more than 20,000 domestic luggage companies, and 1252 companies above designated size, and the concentration is low. Although Samsonite has a good development trend in the country, its market share is expected to be less than 10%, which shows that branding and scale The general trend. However, sales channels in the domestic market are chaotic, international brands occupy high-end channels, and most domestic companies still focus on the wholesale market.
Source: China Commercial Industry Research Institute
Post time: Nov-05-2020